Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Completion of an Oil Well

Once a site has been excavated and the digging has reached the appropriate depth, a well must be made ready to produce the oil the far reaching drill has accessed. This process is called the “completion” of an oil or natural gas well, and is as important a step in oil exploration as any, for, until the well is “completed”, the valuable oil in the depths of the earth cannot be extracted, processed, and used ultimately by millions of consumers.

There are several different categories and types of completion that may be considered depending on the geographical or environmental concerns of an individual site. Barefoot completion is the most basic type, but can only be used when the rock formations around the well are hard and stable. Open-hole completion refers to the method where tubing is used, but the tubes are not cemented into place. Open-hole completion is very popular when dealing with horizontal wells, because cementing these wells can prove a tedious, painstaking undertaking, costing much time and money. Open-hole completion can be used in special situations where sand and debris from the formation around the well threatens movement. Open-hole sand control is the most viable option using stand-alone screens, open-hole gravel packs, and expandable screens to hold back the sand and rock so that oil production is not compromised. The most common form of completion is cased-hole completion. This involves cementing a casing or liner inside the well and is most effective in controlling the flow of the fluids within the well because of the seamless connection of the well bore and the formation. This connection is made possible through precise perforating and employment of controlled charges to increase and control oil flow.

Different completion components are used in the upper portion of the well to transport the oil from the well to the process plant. The festive name of “Christmas tree’ is given to the assembly of valves which resembles the seasonal conifer of the holiday season. This assembly allows for precise control of oil flow as well as providing several points of access, allowing for well interventions such as the hooking up of a pump to import necessary chemicals into the well. Other parts of upper completion include many safety valves and production tubing in order to provide safe transport of oil to the processing plant. Companies like Triple Diamond Energy Corp can then process the valuable commodity and expedite its arrival and use by the large population of consumers in America and beyond.

About the Author: Bob Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Oil and Its Many Household Uses

Of course everyone is aware that oil serves as a sensational fuel for heating your house or business, for keeping your automobile or motorcycle running smoothly, and helping the transportation of goods to ports and customers worldwide, but most people would be very surprised at how big a part oil plays in making the products we all use day to day around our home and office.

Take a look in your kitchen, what might you think was made with oil? Well look no further than your pantry. Canned food has an increased shelf life thanks to food additives. These additives help your canned green beans, potatoes, and yams, taste and look fresher longer. Food additives are only one example of a “petrochemical”, a chemical product made from raw materials of petroleum (oil) origin.

Heaven forbid your power goes out at night there in your kitchen. What to do? Well simply light yourself a candle. That candle is made of wax, a raw petroleum product that was also used to make the container that holds your favorite dairy beverage you might heat up during a thunderstorm to help you relax and go back to sleep, oblivious to the crashing and thundering of the electrical storm that has rendered your house powerless.

Perhaps you’d like to fire up the old portable stereo with batteries and listen to your favorite compact disc or cassette to soothe your worried mind back to sleep. That’s right, those cds, cassette tapes, in fact anything made from plastic, whether in the clothes you wear, the carpet that lines your bedroom floor, even the cozy blankets and comforters you pull under your chin; all those products were made from petrochemicals as well.

After a good night’s sleep, nothing is better than to go back into your kitchen, pour yourself a nice bowlful of milk (from its petroleum based container, of course) over your cereal. That cereal would have never made it to your cupboard without the petroleum based pesticides used to protect the crops until they reached their most mature point, with plenty of sunshine, and fertile ground enriched with petroleum based fertilizers for maximum growth and nutrition.

As you can plainly see, oil has its hand in just so many things that we take for granted everyday. Thanks to fastidious and innovative companies such as Triple Diamond Energy Corp that continually strive to locate and produce the finest oil possible, we can continue to enjoy all the sensational products fueled by the richness that only oil provides.

About the Author: Bob Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Discovering Oil Supplies

Remember when Jed Clampett discovered that “bubblin’ crude” on the fanciful Beverly Hillbillies television show in the 1960’s? While being an entertaining show that spawned several spin-off ideas (think Green Acres and Petticoat Junction), it was not, however a realistic portrayal of the way entrepreneurial oil companies such as Triple Diamond Energy Corp locate, acquire, and process the precious oil that is used in so many ways by consumers around the world.

While Jed’s methods of discovery and extraction were luck and his trusty shotgun, most oil companies today use tried and true methods that are quite more technologically advanced, often employing geologists to carry out initial searches. These teams of geologists study landforms, specific types of rocks such as non-magnetic sedimentary rocks that are known to be oil-bearing, and seismic activity can also be a telling way to find much elusive oil deposits. This is not to say that luck was never a part of oil exploration. In fact, in the early days, prospectors simply guessed and dug near known gas and oil seeps (just like Jed) and were often rewarded amply by the black bounty lying beneath the surface. But today, we should understand that exploration is much more scientific, and as a result, much more efficient in locating and exploiting much needed oil reserves.

Once oil is located, legal ownership of the land, right-of way accesses, and the right to drill, must be obtained by lawyers through courtroom proceedings, legal jurisdiction having been determined (often in question with off shore drilling). Oil companies have the best lawyers who use their expertise to help expedite the acquisition process.

Once issues of legality have been decided, large excavation machines must be brought to the site to prepare for drilling. Land must be cleared and roads must be built in order to bring all the necessary equipment to the site before drilling can begin. Companies must be conscious that they are also stewards of the land, protecting the environment around the drill site, following specific guidelines to ensure that the animal population is minimally disturbed and ecologically sensitive areas must be closely monitored to maintain their fragile existence.

Extraction processes have remained mostly constant over the years. Using a large rig system and a drill with bits made of tungsten carbide steel or diamond depending on the rock being cut through, companies penetrate the rock formations, using sophisticated equipment to determine when the proper and final depth has been reached.

Once the well has been dug and reinforced with concrete, a pump is then installed which creates the necessary suction that extracts the oil to the surface. Much has changed since Jed Clampett’s story, but one thing remains the same: Oil is an efficient fuel and a many faceted resource, and we would be hard pressed to replace the many products its exploration and acquisition has a hand in supplying.

About the Author: Bob Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Oil and the Motorcycle Engine

A motorcycle engine is more compact and higher revving (higher revolutions per minute) than an automobile engine allowing for faster acceleration, better responsiveness, and more efficient fuel economy. With so many parts moving rapidly in the tight confines of a motorcycle engine casing, lubrication is of utmost importance. The primary function of oil in a motorcycle engine is as a lubricator. It provides the fluidity within which all the various metal parts can perform their individual functions in close proximity. If oil were not present, metal on metal grinding would be inevitable, resulting in irreversible damage to a motorcycle engine. Oil allows the motorcycle engine to shift smoothly through all gears, upward and downward, allowing for smooth acceleration and deceleration, making every ride safer and more enjoyable.

While lubrication is the most important function of oil within the motorcycle engine, it is far from its only function. When an engine runs at high rpms, quite a large amount of heat can be generated. This heat can be harmful to the life of a motorcycle engine and must be dealt with. Oil helps dissipate this heat, and is especially essential in air-cooled engines where no coolant or water is present to aid in the cooling process. Overheating of a motorcycle engine can result in at best, a pit stop with an hour of cool down, at worst, an engine that will never run again without a skilled mechanic’s intervention.

Because the rider is not separated from his or her engine by several inches of metal (as in a car), a motorcyclist is provided the opportunity of truly hearing the engine operate in every twist and turn. When the correct amount of the proper engine oil is present in the engine, this noise is reduced (still audible), and the motorcyclist can concentrate on the sounds of the world that envelop him or her, indulging in the inherent opportunity afforded by motorcycling: the freedom of being in this world instead of viewing it through the picture window that is an automobile’s windshield.

Oil produced by the world’s leading manufacturers like Triple Diamond Energy Corp plays a most important part in helping the motorcycle engine at all stages of its life by preventing rust and corrosion forming within. Oil also helps pistons continue pumping, safely sealed so that dirt or debris cannot enter in, disrupting movement. Oil and its necessary counterpart, the oil filter, help to keep all foreign substances out of the motorcycle engine, increasing engine life, and performance. Oil has an invaluable place within the motorcycle engine, and must always be monitored, added, and replaced as part of an owner’s motorcycle maintenance regime.

About the Author: Bob Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit