Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Triple Diamond Energy Corp Completes Drilling And Begins Logging Of Two Wells In Oklahoma Project

Triple Diamond Energy Corp. (TDEC) announces the drilling of two wells in Seminole County, Oklahoma is complete and logging is set to start.

ADDISON, TX -- Triple Diamond Energy Corp. (TDEC) reported the drilling of two wells in Seminole County, Oklahoma is complete. Oil production will commence once the completing and equipping process has concluded.

The Texas oil and gas exploration company started the drilling process for the Seminole County portion of the project in August on the previously undrilled geologic structure of the Sportsman Lake Field. The pair of wells will pull oil from the Proven Undeveloped Producible Reserves located in the high formation.

With drilling complete, an e-log will use electrical measurements to map out the structure and locate the tops of the geological formations. This will allow TDEC to determine the best possible hydrocarbon bearing zones to target. Triple Diamond Energy Corp. can then install the production casing and perforate the zone.

"Once the completion and equipping processes are complete, the two wells can begin extracting oil. From there, it will be processed and refined into various fuel and petroleum products," says Chris Jent, Chief Marketing Officer of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. (http://www.triplediamondenergy.com/)

Reports have shown the area to contain a minimum of 100 000 barrel of attic oil. Oklahoma is presently in fifth place in crude oil production in the country producing 8.8 percent of the natural gas and 3.3 percent of the crude produced in the US.


Anonymous said...

lot of info here - interesting

Md. Abu Zafor Fagun Ahmad said...

Thank you. This one is great article. Please write one article on first liberty energy. First Liberty Energy is one of the best oil and gas drilling company in oklahoma

Md. Abu Zafor Fagun Ahmad said...

Thank you. This is a nice article. Please next time write something on first liberty energy