Friday, December 28, 2007

Outer Continental Shelf Reserves Estimates

The Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) of the United States was first defined in 1953 when Congress enacted the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA) defining the shelf as all submerged lands lying seaward of coastal states, up to three miles offshore. Under the OCSLA, the stewardship and protection of these areas of valuable resources was made the responsibility of the Secretary of the Interior. The Secretary of the Interior was given authority to accept or deny leases for drilling and exploration of the shelf; decisions that could be made based on responsible, environmentally safe procedures, or primarily on highest bid alone, with discretion left up to the Secretary. The Secretary also was given responsibility for the formation of necessary regulations and protective implementations in order to assure the health of the shelf for future mineral harvesting while maintaining a beautiful shoreline for tourists and indigenous wildlife inhabitants alike.

In 1982, Congress and the Secretary of the Interior, James G. Watt, extended the responsibility of shelf management to a branch of the Department of the Interior, the Minerals Management Service. The MMS as part of their duties has periodically funded surveys by top geologists, projecting and estimating the true wealth and abundance of minerals and fossil fuel supplies encased beneath the surface of the continental shelf. The latest assessment of these resources was based on information from new exploration techniques administered in 2003; the statement was released in 2006.

The Mineral Management Service’s newest estimates take under consideration the limits of current technology but also take into account the foreseeable developments of new technology as well when presenting their estimated findings. What the MMS does not include when developing their findings is allowances for economic feasibility or financial profitability limits; their findings just state the facts of what amounts of resources are present, not limited by the financial investments needed to extract those resources. The latest estimates detail that the OCS could feasibly contain anywhere from 66.6 to 115.3 billion barrels of oil and from 326.4 to 565.9 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. These large estimates have undoubtedly affected new bill proposals currently being discussed within the Senate concerning decreasing the drilling limitations currently in place. The wealth of these supplies is constantly being weighed against the potentially hazardous effects of drilling and exploration upon the picturesque American seashore. Large oil companies such as Triple Diamond Energy Corp. are implementing new and improved methods of extraction that yield large amounts of fuel supplies without subjecting the fragile landscape to undue stresses caused by overdevelopment.

About the Author: Robert Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Thursday, December 27, 2007

India and China Cooperative

India and China, nations that are 4th and 2nd respectively in petroleum consumption amounts, have joined together their efforts in petroleum exploration and distribution much to the chagrin of other oil hungry nations. The combining of their efforts and pooling of their finances in this endeavor has allowed them to obtain rights to some of Iran’s largest producing fields and successfully find new fields within the borders of their own countries.

The first oil field procured by the joint venture of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and India’s Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) was accomplished in 2005. The two largest oil companies in the respective countries successfully bid to share 37% of Petro-Canada’s stake in Syrian al-Furat oil and gas fields. While the companies had been working together in the past, this marked the first foreign property to be cooperatively purchased by the duo. These two oil producing giants are courting other Indian and Chinese companies to join in their efforts, proposing that all combine their technologies and monies to make higher bids on foreign fields, achieving the possibility of outbidding the major oil companies that tend to acquire all the drilling rights in the Western Hemisphere. Large oil companies like Shell and Mobile have been watching these developments with much trepidation.

Researchers project that the global demand for energy will grow as much as 55 percent in the next two decades, owing mostly to the growing needs of China and India, who combine for 45 percent of that total growth spurt. These two petroleum consuming giants have decide that cooperation between neighbors makes much more sense than competing with each other for supplies. Their newest acquisition is a 50 percent joint stake in a large Colombian oil field. The conglomerate successfully purchased this 50 percent share from a Texas-based oil and natural gas company, Ominex Resources Inc. Like Triple Diamond Energy Corp., also in Texas, Ominex finances oil exploration and extraction in order to continuously supply their customers’ oil and natural gas needs. The 50 percent share purchased from Ominex for roughly 800 million has the ability to supply China and India with nearly 10,000 barrels of oil daily.

India and China had in the past been major competitors for fuel supplies, but for the greater good of the two countries, put aside their differences in order to be successful in their goals. With natural gas and oil fields cross the earth rapidly depleting, certainly more of these cooperate efforts will emerge. Large companies, pooling their resources, will be much more successful as efforts to supply the world’s fuel needs prove to be more and more difficult.

About the Author: Robert Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Russian Natural Gas Reserves Management

As the country with the world’s largest proven natural gas reserves, Russia should be feeling pretty great about their energy resources in this new millennia. Russia possesses a staggering 1,680 trillion cubic feet of natural gas; nearly double that of Iran, the nation holding the next largest supply. Unfortunately for Russia, ever since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, management of these large natural gas reserves has fallen by the wayside. Russia set up a state-owned natural gas monopoly, Gazprom, to manage, continue in exploration, and distribution of known and newly discovered reserves. Gazprom has proven itself unworthy of this task by not having the necessary funds or knowledge base to exploit the bounteous supply beneath Russia’s expansive land mass.

Truthfully, the Russian government should think about radically changing the way they allow Gazprom to handle these resources. Not only are there tons upon tons of untapped natural gas lying in wait for the use of their country, but also for the billions of dollars that would be made for the nation through exporting these huge reserves. Russia has allowed Gazprom to be the only exploration and distribution company in the country; no foreign researchers, geologists, or engineers have been allowed to lend the much needed knowledge and know-how to make their company, and indirectly, the nation more profitable and prosperous. Most countries with large reserves realize that by charging others to join in the drilling, the country as a whole can benefit from the many drilling tariffs they could demand and enjoy the help of much more knowledgeable scientists like those employed by large outfits like Shell and Triple Diamond Energy Corp. In some ways the Cold War has continued in regard to the way Russia’s government continues to shut out foreign development, over-zealously protecting their natural gas reserves with a “if we can’t get it, no one can” attitude.

Gazprom has not only been inefficient stewards of untapped reserves, they have mismanaged the currently producing supplies as well, leading to shortages of natural gas in a country that should be overflowing with it. This company that is the sole provider of natural gas to the entirety of Russia also owns all rights to the 155,000 kilometers of pipelines that carry the natural gas throughout the country. Mismanagement of this pipeline has resulted in Russia’s own population experiencing shortages of the natural gas direly essential for all types of heating and fueling needs. The future of Russia hinges on the Russian government’s ability to encourage and direct its state-owned monopoly to keep in mind the needs of the people they have been chosen to serve.

About the Author: Robert Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Monday, December 24, 2007

South Korea Needs Fuel Change

As South Korea’s population grows, it is becoming more and more essential for governmental involvement in industry to help stave the overwhelming effects of pollution on the nation’s air quality. In the late 1990s, South Korea’s environment was put into jeopardy by efforts of its industry to boost economic growth at all costs. Industry shifted into high gear without being mindful of the enormous amounts of particulates and carbon emissions released into the air as a result. Recent governmental controls have helped clean up efforts, and carbon and sulfur dioxide emissions by industry have been largely lessened. Unfortunately for South Korea, with economic growth and prosperity, millions more automobiles have become accessible by consumers, and their emissions are now surpassing the environmental effects rendered by industry a decade earlier.

The total volume of particulate matter (soot, carbon, sulfur, etc) released by the country’s motor vehicles has been estimated at 1.6 million metric tons each year. Transportation vehicles, such as large city buses and commercial fleets distributing product throughout the country, account for under 10% of all vehicles on their roads but emit a whopping 40% of these detrimental emissions into South Korea’s air. These large amounts of particulate released affect the health and quality of life of South Korean citizens, especially in large cities like Seoul. Seoul has seen a rampant rise in cases of respiratory disease as a direct result of a lack of governmental regulatory control over the hundreds of thousands of motor vehicles swamping the city’s streets on a daily basis.

Thanks to recommendations and suggestions from studies by the World Health Organization, the city government of Seoul and the national government of South Korea as a whole are making efforts to curb these polluting trends. South Korean government is promoting new alternatives for transportation companies by offering incentives for more environmentally conscious energy use. Research and development teams have worked to show the overwhelming value that compressed natural gas (CNG) could play in efforts to clean up the air that South Koreans breathe. CNG burns cleaner than gasoline, requires less oil usage, and promotes a cleaner environment by releasing a fraction of the amount of particulates into the air versus traditional gasoline powered engines. The government has offered tax breaks and incentives to private transportation outfits in order to promote the substitution of over 20,000 CNG buses to replace current diesel powered buses. By instituting stricter controls over allowable emissions by motor vehicles, South Korea could make cleaner air a reality. Petroleum companies like Triple Diamond Energy Corp have the ability to refine petroleum into the clean burning CNG needed to run greener, cleaner buses, that can help make the air that all citizenry breathe healthier.

About the Author: Robert Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Chinese Reserves

As China’s population grows exponentially in the new millennia, the energy needs of the country grow as well. With an enormous population of 1.3 billion people, the People’s Republic is the world’s most populous country and the second largest petroleum consumer behind the United States. Chinese oil consumption has seen rapid growth as society has made a change, moving away from bicycles and towards gasoline powered vehicles with automobile ownership growing 19% a year since 1990. As China looks towards the future, the country hopes to minimize its dependence on foreign oil reserves, predominately Middle Eastern reserves, concentrating on using the enormous reserves of natural gas found within their country’s borders and diversifying their imports among several natural gas producing countries.

In 2006, Chinese natural gas reserves ranked 15th in the entire world with proven deposits of over 2.27 trillion cubic meters. With deposits and yields projected to continue growing over the next 15 years or more, the Chinese government is doing their very best to encourage more exploration and extraction to help exploit these rich deposits and keep up with their country’s rapidly increasing energy needs. The use of liquefied natural gas for China would provide a boon to its natural gas refining operations while helping to minimize pollution within the country as a whole. Projections show that by 2030, China will have more automobiles on their roads than the United States. China already holds the position of the world’s largest coal burning polluter; with so many cars, their environment would doubtlessly suffer greatly and increase already growing rates of respiratory disease cases.

As China encourages development of natural gas industry at home, it has also increased its imports of the fuel from abroad, signing long term contracts with foreign natural gas producers such as Australia, committing to buy 4 million metric tons of liquefied natural gas a year from Australian companies Woodside Petroleum and Royal Dutch Shell. The effects of Chinese natural gas consumption upon the liquefied natural gas production industry on a global scale cannot be understated. The United States and other natural gas rich nations would much enjoy greater and more amenable relations with China as the nation’s need for imports of fuel grow.

Oil and natural gas exploration companies like Triple Diamond Energy Corp would be greatly satisfied to count the People’s Republic of China as one of its many customers. Energy companies in all nations are ramping up exploration and production efforts in hopes of acquiring new contracts with this petroleum product consuming giant of the East.

About the Author: Robert Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Water Heating with Gas

Natural gas supplies in the United States are the third largest in the entire world. New reserves are being located everyday through diligent research and exploration by scientists employed by energy companies such as Triple Diamond Energy Corp. These companies are continuously striving to provide Americans with the clean burning natural gas used to make homes warmer and more comfortable places to live. Of course, natural gas is helpful in heating homes and offices, but most consumers don’t realize that clean burning natural gas is also used in over half of American households as the fuel which heats their water for washing dishes, clothes, and showers each and every day.

Most homeowners don’t give a second thought to their water heaters until the opportunity affords itself; namely, when their current system bites the dust. Options of replacement or conversion should be considered before this unfortunate situation occurs, so that one can weigh his or her household’s options carefully without the added stress created as necessity drives the resolution of this issue in order to provide hot water for themselves and their families in a more hasty fashion.

Environmentally, natural gas presents itself as the far more friendly way, considering most electric water heaters, especially on America’s eastern coast where dams are less prevalent, are fueled by electricity acquired from coal burning power plants that belch and emit horrible pollutants and particulate into the air while their turbines crank. Natural gas extraction does not involve the issuance of air particulate, and is thus a cleaner way to acquire the fuel for American families.

Gas-fired water heaters are much more efficient ways of heating water because of their higher flow rates which allow a constant ability to heat the water. A demand water heater also referred to as a tankless or instantaneous water heater maintains this constant ability because it is not required to use a storage tank; storage tank water heaters must deal with standby heat losses due to their storage tanks. Therefore, the most efficient water heaters integrate gas and tankless technology in order to provide constant flowing, hot water to the household. When natural gas is not available because the house is located in a rural setting, its cousin, propane is a viable, clean burning alternative. A propane tank can be installed on a concrete pad in the backyard and filled several times a year with clean burning propane to fuel efficient gas powered water heaters year round.

About the Author: Robert Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Friday, December 21, 2007

Natural Gas Drilling in National Parks

Natural gas deposits are often located in areas of magnificent beauty because they naturally occur within or underneath ancient rock formations, on land or underneath water, where fossilized plant and animal matter has been compressed and broken down over many millions of years. It then is no coincidence that many of these fertile areas are within the boundaries of protected national park areas in the United States. While debates continue on Capitol Hill over drilling bans or permissions within these sanctuaries, it could be helpful to look at instances where drilling and extraction of resources has successfully coexisted with picturesque beauty and protected status.

Texas has long been a fertile ground for natural gas and oil reserves. Its rich, though sometimes barren landscape possesses thousands of proven mineral and petroleum deposits that have been the state’s mainstay for economic growth over the past century and a half. One such area that has recently come under public scrutiny by environmentalists such as the Sierra Club and large oil outfits like British Petroleum is the protected seashore at Padre Island National Park located on the southeast tip of that great state, on the Gulf of Mexico.

Exploration and development of Padre Island’s cache of natural resources has been underway for many decades. In the late 1930s, Texas’ growing interest in development of its state’s natural reserves motivated legislators to send surveyor J.S. Boyle to the area. The first oil well was not constructed until a decade later, by Sun Oil Company at Yarborough Pass. The permission for this and other wells drilled by Sun was acquired through legislation proposed by Senator Yarborough of Texas, and Sun was the only oil company drilling on the National Seashore during the 50s and 60s. These oil wells produced small amounts of show, but very little commercially viable crude.

There are currently three natural gas producing wells in operation at Padre Island. These wells are under the close watchful eye of the National Park Service. Rangers help in monitoring to ensure a safe environment for the over 800,000 visitors who visit the park each year. The National Park Service describes their role in managing the park’s resources as a “commitment to previous property owners by ensuring their ability to recover the oil and gas mineral resources with a minimum of environmental consequences.” Since the lands which make up the park were previously private, the NPS has committed itself to help serve both the public and private sector with its stewardship of the park. Oil companies such as Triple Diamond Energy Corp adhere to strict regulations when drilling and exploring this protected seashore.

About the Author: Robert Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Gas or Wood Burning Fireplaces in the Home

When building a new house or just looking to add romance or a new heating source to a particular room, many people find a fireplace an attractive option. But which kind of fireplace is best for a particular home? There are many types of fireplaces, but most people tend to narrow their options down to either natural gas or wood burning, each with their own pros and cons.

A wood-burning fireplace can be the perfect way to warm up a cold winter night with your significant other. The way the wood snap, crackles, and pops makes this way of heating a room a popular choice. One should remember, however, how much work a wood-burning fireplace can be. Cutting down trees, of course, is mostly a thing of the past unless the house is situated in a rural setting, but storing wood safely from the elements for later burning is always a concern. The only financially efficient way to purchase wood is in large amounts, because running to the grocer everyday for a new little bundle really can add up over a long winter. This demands a nice, large area for storing; a cord of wood in your living room would probably be rather intrusive and less than romantic. If you are looking for an efficient way of heating your room, a wood-burning fireplace is definitely not it, since most of the heat goes up the chimney, leaving you with residual particulate to breathe in as well; a particular no-no for allergy sufferers. A way to improve upon this inefficiency is with the purchase of an insert or woodstove. These are relatively expensive and require cleaning from time to time. If you enjoy tending a fire, a wood-burning fireplace is for you, because they demand constant attention, adjusting and rearranging the wood for optimum flame and warmth.

Most consumers today, at least in America, have come to enjoy instant gratification. Microwave ovens, ordering movies from home, cellular technology which makes everyone essentially reachable nearly everywhere; all of these things make life in America and other capitalist countries some of the most comfortable and enjoyable places to live. Why compromise for anything different when heating your home? A gas fireplace lights instantly at the push of a button. If more heat is desired, one only need turn up the thermostat, no tending, adjusting, maintenance necessary. For ample heat and no mess, a natural gas powered fireplace is the overwhelming choice of contractors and homebuyers in America. Natural gas distribution companies like Triple Diamond Energy Corp work hard to provide the clean burning natural gas for millions of fireplaces across the country so that homeowners won’t have to, experiencing the warmth and beauty every time they push the button.

About the Author: Robert Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Gulf Of Mexico Open For Drilling

Much of the Gulf of Mexico has been off limits for oil drilling for the last 25 years. Congress has protected the area of the continental shelf for its beauty and its necessary role in providing what is essentially an underwater nursery for developing plant and animal life in the region. The current high price of oil and perhaps the threat of foreign companies using directional drilling from the other side of the Gulf, via Havana, has motivated Congress to relax their ban on drilling, allowing four key offshore states sole royalties from the newly allowed offshore leases.

The newly released area of 8.3 million acres in the eastern Gulf of Mexico promises to possess holdings of enough natural gas to heat and cool nearly 6 million American homes for the next 15 years. The move to allow drilling is undeniably motivated by the millions of voting Americans that believe foreign oil dependence to be a problem most easily solved by merely acquiring and exploiting more domestic resources such as these reserves off of Florida’s Coast. Cuba has been making deals with foreign oil companies from as far away as China and India, perceivably giving them permission to drill off the coast of Havana. American companies were given the chance to drill in these Cuban sites, but were of course barred from entering into contracts because of the U.S. continued embargo against doing business with Cuba. It seems that while the U.S. snoozed, other oil hungry nations like China and India, seeing Cuban oil as a viable option of supplying their energy needs, have seized these supplies as their own.

These deals between Cuba and China and India have left some in Congress fuming. Senator Larry Craig, Republican of Idaho, was quoted saying in his best “politically correct” language that, “Red China should not be left to drill for oil within spitting distance of our shores without competition from U.S. industries.” This feeling was obviously shared by many of Craig’s colleagues in Congress as they voted overwhelmingly to open up the Gulf of Mexico’s coastal waters for increased drilling by a margin of 71-25 in 2006.

Oil and natural gas companies like Triple Diamond Energy Corp have enlisted teams of scientists and engineers to help manipulate current technologies while also developing new ones to better explore and extract these new reserves to ensure a continuous energy supply for the future needs of the United States.

About the Author: Robert Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Cooking With Gas

If you own an electric range, you have doubtlessly experienced the following situations. Agonizingly watching the stove as minutes and minutes pass by while eternally waiting for a pot of water to heat up and boil. Discovering in horror that your “medium heat” has burned your over-medium fried egg to your favorite skillet. An expertly prepared soufflé comes out less than expertly in execution because of uneven cooking by an electric oven. The truth is, electricity has always been sub-par energy when used for cooking. The overwhelming choice of expert and novice chefs alike is definitely natural gas or propane.

Brian Mattingly, executive chef at the California Culinary Academy, when asked about this heated topic, conveyed his thoughts. He stated that in his over 20 years in the restaurant business he had not met one chef that preferred electric cooking over cooking with natural gas or propane. At his culinary institute, the over 2400 students enrolled in the program are all instructed on gas ranges because of their ease of control, their quick heating from cold ability, the simplicity of keeping them clean, and the affordability of use and maintenance.

A September 2004 survey taken among chefs in all types of restaurants nation-wide, showed Mattingly’s colleagues are mostly of the same opinion. Nearly all of the chefs, 96 percent, preferred a gas cooktop and 68 percent also preferred a gas oven over an electric one. 94 percent of chefs polled lauded gas for its overwhelming convenience. Other points praising gas included 72 percent of chefs preferring it for the greater temperature control it affords and 55 percent experienced faster cooking times and immediate heat when using gas ranges. Not only do these chefs prefer to use gas at the workplace, but 66 percent of the professional chefs polled also use natural gas to cook at their homes.

Perhaps a reason customers continue to use their old tired electric stoves is that gas is still not available in all areas. According to most professional chefs, everyone would be cooking more efficiently and deliciously in these rural areas if they would simply switch to propane fueled appliances in their kitchens. Propane is readily available and as clean burning a fuel as natural gas. Natural gas and oil energy companies like Triple Diamond Energy Corp perform the essential duty of extracting the necessary petroleum and natural gas from supplies across the U.S., refining and processing them in order that cooks and amateur chefs across the country have the necessary fuel (propane or natural gas) they need to help their kitchens run smoothly.

About the Author: Robert Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Great Lakes Oil and Gas

Oil and natural gas companies continue to do their part in locating new domestic reserves in order to lighten America’s ever-deepening dependence upon foreign produced petroleum. Companies like Triple Diamond Energy Corp use all the tools at their disposal as they continually fine-tune their efforts. It seems, however, that at every turn, environmental lobbyists, petrified by accidents that have occurred in the past, take enormous pains to block each new site offered up for exploration by these companies. New oil and gas reserves are being discovered by private firms in much the same way that “wildcatters” and explorers found the deposits in the early years of exploring. The main differences should be shown to help better protect the environment, never to harm or destroy it. One such hotbed for lobbyists concerns the large deposits of oil and natural gas that many geologists believe lie in wait beneath the lakebeds of America’s Great Lakes.

The murky waters of Lake Michigan lie at the center of this debate because beneath its floor lies buried a 430 million year old coral reef. Oil and natural gas form in these areas of decayed and compressed matter, and the older and deeper buried, the more rewarding the deposit could quite possibly be. The invisible line that separates the United States and Canada runs through Lake Michigan’s broad waters. On the Canadian side, oil and natural gas exploration has continued, unimpeded and unfettered by legislation, providing Canadians with over 414 billion cubic feet of natural gas and over 85 million barrels of oil. Canadians benefit greatly from these domestic reserves and employ many newly improved and safer methods for their oil and gas extraction. The main method that has made gains in the last couple of decades in fine-tuning and success is directional drilling. This technique allows land based oil or natural gas rigs to drill through tons of rock and soil out into the lakebed without actually being constructed upon platforms on the lake proper. This allows drilling to take place miles offshore while also reducing the risk of spills into the precious body of water. Any spills would most likely take place on land, ensuring less environmental damage because of quicker and easier cleanup. This relatively low risk of spillage is reflected in the low cost of control-of-well insurance outfits must purchase in order to drill. Because more than 3800 well bores have been implemented without incident in Michigan alone, the cost of insuring each new well is a very affordable $33 a year.

Lobbyists for exploration companies continue to grapple in Washington with environmental lobbyists, weighing the pros and cons of further development; these deposits will continue to richen, as the debates continue.

About the Author: Robert Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Smaller Footprint, Less Impact

Environmentalists, deeply embedded in the heated debate over drilling within the Arctic National Wildlife refuge, are up at arms mostly because of the negative effects drill sites render upon the environment and the indigenous creatures that live and migrate across this large Alaskan expanse. Looking at drill sites of the 1900s to the 1970s, it is easy to see the concern. Drilling and exploration took up many an acre for their large, cumbersome machinery and production facilities. For instance, the Prudhoe Bay oil field, just several miles west of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, erected in the 1970s, consisted of 5000 acres of gravel, necessary for roads, drilling, and production facilities. Most of this area, in hindsight, was negligent and unnecessary. Improvements in efficiency during the following decades have made it possible to decrease this use of land by 60%, allowing for less encroachment upon the wild landscape of Alaska and other regions.

New developments in drilling have allowed drills to be more directional and extend their reach to reservoirs often three miles from the surface drilling location. In past decades, drills could only reach at most a mile and a half outward from the original drill site, necessitating the construction of more roads and more drills in order to fully explore the designated area. This advancement allows oil companies a deeper reach beneath the surface by each particular drill, so that they need not be moved across these virginal soils, resulting in less disturbance of the tundra. Other developments have made it possible to construct individual wells and their drill pads much closer together than in the past. In earlier decades, drill pads and production wells needed to be spaced no closer than 100 feet or more apart. Today, technological advancements in drilling techniques has allowed new drill sites to be much closer together than ever before, often as close as requiring only ten feet between each individual drill site. The number of wells that necessitated 65 square acres in the 1970s can now be built on a much smaller parcel of land, requiring less than nine acres today.

A promising advancement has been made in road construction itself. In the past, the roads were all built from gravel mounded atop the surface of the frozen tundra. Today, engineering has made it possible to build many of the roads necessary for exploration out of ice instead. When these roads melt, after exploration is complete, they simply absorb into the landscape leaving nary a trace of their existence. Triple Diamond Energy Corp and other oil providing ventures are working daily to develop new and exciting ways to extract the necessary oil possible for the United States, while performing their due diligence of keeping the environment intact for its enjoyment in years to come.

About the Author: Robert Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Drilling in the Arctic Refuge

The United States’ largest oil-producing field lies in northeastern Alaska. The Prudhoe Bay oil field has been producing domestic reserves for the United States continuously since its discovery in 1968. The U.S. receives 17% of its domestically produced oil from Prudhoe via its transport through the Trans-Alaskan Pipeline to the port of Valdez, and then oil tankers bring it down to the lower states. Oil production has slowed over the years, and oil companies have been looking a little east of Prudhoe, to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, as geologists have shown a large reserve could be present within its boundaries. Presidents since Jimmy Carter have grappled with this hot potato issue. Weighing the environmental impact versus the energy producing reward is essential of course when considering excavation and extraction within a specifically set aside refuge.

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge consists of 19 million acres of untouched land deemed necessary for the survival of Alaska’s indigenous wildlife such as the caribou. In 1987, the U.S. and Canada signed the Agreement on the Conservation of the Porcupine Caribou Herd treaty in order to help protect the herd and its migration routes from disruption and damage caused by development. An Energy Bill in the early 90s authorized drilling in the ANWR, but was thwarted by a Senate filibuster, and in 1995, Bill Clinton vetoed the entire budget proposal because it included a provision for drilling within the reserve.

Conflicting geological reports have not helped settle the controversy. In 1998, the United States Geological Survey released a report estimating that all of the oil would be found beneath the frozen ground of the western part of the reserve. Just a decade prior, in 1988, the U.S. Geological Survey had issued a report stating that all the oil would be found not in the western area, but instead in the eastern and central parts of the reserve. Estimates have shown that anywhere from 8 billion to 16 billion barrels could be located within the preserve, so the question remains, does the ends satisfy the means?

When looking at the U.S. daily demand, which is about 20 million barrels of oil consumed daily, the two estimated amounts of oil, if used as the only resource for oil would last the country about a year on the low side and around two years on the high side. The United States does not however need this oil to be it sole supplier, but as a supplemental resource to the imported and already domestically produced reserves. The debate continues. When this issue is settled, oil companies like Triple Diamond Energy Corp are ready to extract the oil requiring as minimal environmental impacts as possible.

About the Author: Robert Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Natural Gas Powered Transit

In today’s world with fuel prices rising almost hourly, large metropolitan centers are contemplating new cost-cutting ideas for public transportation while keeping the transit riding populace happy and on time. Buses and trains powered by electricity have proven to be an advantageous option for many cities in the Northwest United States, especially in Washington State with their ability to keep the price of electricity affordably low due to their cache of dams on large rivers such as the Columbia. But electric buses and trains are bound to areas where there exist lines or rails, of course, and for passengers outside of downtown areas, other options have had to be considered. Overwhelmingly, compressed natural gas has come to the fore as the cleanest burning, least expensive alternative, and its abundance in the United States, has made it the overwhelming choice of transit companies around the country.

Pierce Transit, just south of Seattle in the Tacoma, Washington area touts itself as a company committed to their “Clean Machines”. Their fleet of compressed natural gas powered buses reduces nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide emissions by ninety percent versus their diesel-powered cousins. The buses also produce no soot or other particulates; diesel buses emit a gallon of soot into the atmosphere for every 570 miles traveled. Not only are these buses better for the air; they produce less noise pollution as well. Neighborhoods are much quieter thanks to the new natural gas buses, though perhaps one could miss the bus due to its quieter cruising ability through cul-de-sac-ville! Pierce Transit owns and operates several fast-fill compressor stations that have the ability to refuel three buses simultaneously in less than ten minutes. Also, instead of requiring the purchase of all new buses, Pierce Transit chose to convert their existing fleet to natural gas power, cutting more costs that would have definitely trickled down to the riders if new bus expenditures had proved necessary.

Pierce Transit has been lauded by agencies across the country including the American Lung Association, the Natural Gas Vehicle Association, the American Gas Association, and the U.S. Department of Transportation. The U.S. Department of Energy bestowed upon Pierce Transit the prestigious Clean Cities National Partner Award, for their commitment to clean burning fuel. Pierce Transit was one of the first public transportation fleets in the entire U.S. to convert to these “clean machines”. Natural Gas refining and distribution outfits like Triple Diamond Energy Corp continue to explore and extract the natural gas integral to keeping large transportation fleets such as Pierce Transit’s up and running.

About the Author: Robert Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Friday, December 14, 2007

Changing your Motorcycle’s Oil

One of the most basic procedures of routine motorcycle maintenance each owner should be able to perform has to be changing the engine oil. When done properly, and at scheduled intervals, it can help your motorcycle perform at its top ability, providing a reliable source of transportation and enjoyment for many years.

After consulting your motorcycle manual and purchasing the particular grade of oil and oil filter recommended for your bike, find a nice level spot, perhaps in your garage or driveway and have about 15 minutes to perform the deed. You’ll need a few basic tools including the correct socket wrench to remove your drain plug, a filter wrench you probably picked up at your motorcycle shop when getting the oil, and a new drain plug crush washer to replace the one you’ll remove. You’ll also need the proper receptacle, sealable preferably, to catch the oil as it drains, so you can properly dispose of it later.

Now it’s time to get down to business. Put your bike on the side stand, rear stand, or center stand and slide your drain pan under your drain plug bolt, keeping in mind that it will shoot out at first, so be ready to maneuver for a good catch! Now, remove the drain plug, and let the oil drain into the pan. Allow all the oil to drain before attempting to remove the filter. You can now use your filter wrench, or your leather belt if you’ve been thrifty, to grip that filter and carefully turn it counter-clockwise for removal, paying close attention not to dent or damage the filter to prevent any of the dirty oil from creeping back in your engine. After all the oil has drained from the plug and the filter cavity, put your new washer on the drain bolt to ensure a proper seal, and reinstall the drain bolt, taking care not to overtighten it.

Prep your oil filter by filling it about a quarter full with fresh oil, and clean the contact area on filter and bike. Now apply a little dab of oil on your finger and run it over the entire seal of the filter just to help with installation and your next removal. Now just screw the filter into place by hand, no need for the wrench. Check your manual for the capacity of your engine and start adding the proper amount of oil. When you get to about a half quart under that amount, check the oil, remembering that it has to be vertical, not on the side stand to get a proper reading. Add more until it reads between “add” and “full”, put the oil cap back on and you’re finished!

All that’s left to do is to transport your used oil to a filling station or oil change retailer so that a refining company like Triple Diamond Energy Corp can perform the necessary steps for recycling your oil. Now wasn’t that easy, and you saved some hard earned cash too!

About the Author: Robert Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

LPG: A Solution to Vietnam’s Pollution Problems

In highly populated Vietnam, whose small landmass of 330,000 square kilometers holds 78 million people, a major concern has always been transportation. Efficient and inexpensive, scooters and motorbikes have become the most popular way of movement of many inhabitants of the large metropolitan centers. The downside of this trend is the environmental effects of pollution generated primarily from the scores of small, mainly two stroke engines that can emit as much or more exhaust as 3 large semi trucks. Two stroke engine powered vehicles burn an oil-gasoline mixture, emitting more smoke, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and particulate matter than their four stroke cousins. Unfortunately these engines are cheaper to buy and easier to maintain. In Hochiminh city, much to the chagrin of clean air proponents, many city dwellers have set up their own independent “baby taxis” by simply adding sidecars to their small motorbikes and scooters. This makes the dirty two stroke engines work even harder, because of their insufficient power to carry 2 or more passengers, belching out even more exhaust than ever.

The World Health Organization has been urging these highly populated cities to monitor and regulate these environmentally harmful vehicles because as air pollution grows worse and worse, increasing numbers of the inhabitants are infected with respiratory illness, overloading hospitals, and increasing the mortality rate. Legislators have tried to limit the number of motorbikes and scooters, but new research has shown that a more realistic alternative would be a simple modification of the motorbike and scooter population to run on a cleaner burning fuel. This fuel is Liquefied Petroleum Gas, or LPG.

LPG is a mixture of propane and butane; the simple makeup of these two gases fuse beautifully into one of the cleanest burning fuel alternatives available today. The large tanked scooters that are so prevalent in Vietnam could be retrofitted to house an LPG tank underneath their seats instead of the gasoline tanks that are currently present. LPG powered engines or hybrid LPG and gasoline-powered engines are cleaner burning not only for the environment but within the engines as well. Engine durability and longevity is increased because LPG does not create the particulate or soot created in the two-stroke gasoline engines, allowing the cylinders and pistons to be mostly corrosion free. These engines also burn less oil as well, making lubrication of the moving parts easier and longer lasting.

Companies such as Triple Diamond Energy Corp are adept at extracting and distributing the necessary natural gas for fueling these clean burning vehicles, helping to ensure a safer environment today and in the future.

About the Author: Robert Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Choosing Your Motorcycle’s Oil

Choosing the oil for your motorcycle’s engine is an important task every owner is faced with when performing an oil change as part of his or her successful preventative maintenance routine. This article will detail different situations to keep in mind when making this choice, in easy to follow language, so all owners can make this choice with confidence, and get back to the fun part, riding, with the peace of mind having taken an integral step towards ensuring the motorcycle’s reliability for many future joy-giving rides.

Oil’s importance in the motorcycle engine is twofold. It provides the lubrication necessary so that all metal parts move together in harmony without ever grinding on each other in a “metal on metal” situation. Oil also performs its duty as a cooling agent, keeping the engine from overheating which can cause permanent damage, especially in an engine that revs as high as a motorcycle’s. Changing a motorcycle’s oil on a regular basis ensures that the oil in the engine continues to fulfill its function and does not perform inadequately because of age and impurities acquired over many miles.

Before changing your oil, it is important to find out what brand/viscosity/type of oil is already in use in the engine. It is advisable to maintain a continuity of brand/grade of oil in your engine unless a move to a different climate demands a different grade. A heavier grade of oil could be needed in a colder climate to provide increased cold starting ability, whereas a lighter grade could be adequate in a more amiable climate. Also something to keep in mind is the type of riding you are doing on your bike. Racing a bike requires more oil changes and a racing type motor oil would be advisable because of its increased cooling ability at the high temperatures present in the engine when racing. For simple recreational riding or commuting, this increased performance oil is really not necessary. Excellent providers such as Triple Diamond Energy Corp supply the refined oil that goes into many top brands of motorcycle oil used in all sorts of riding applications.

The best resource for finding the type of oil needed for a particular make and model of motorbike continues to be the motorcycle’s service or user’s manual. Every new bike bought and sold should include a user’s manual, and if the bike is bought secondhand, the purchaser should be able to find a copy of the user’s manual on the Internet. If not, it is advisable to purchase a shop manual such as ones made by Clymer or Chilton. Even if your bike came with a user manual, these shop manuals are an excellent resource when attempting minor and even extensive repairs.

About the Author: Chris Jent is the chief marketing officer of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Automotive Oil in Your Motorcycle Engine: What’s the Difference?

If you peruse the shelves of your local motorcycle dealer or specialty shop, it won’t be long until you notice the many choices of motorcycle specific oil, all claiming to be “best engineered for the extreme needs of your motorcycle engine”. You’ll also be sure to notice that the motorcycle oil costs on average between 200-300% more than its automotive counterpart. Are motorcycle oil and automotive oil truly that different, and would one be a fool to put automotive oil in their high-revving motorcycle engine?

Oil companies hawking their motorcycle specific motor oil have been stating the same claims for decades, but could their research back it up? Motorcycle oil manufacturers claim that their oils possess better lubricating properties and retain their viscosity for longer periods and over more miles because they are infused with much more expensive, shear-stable polymers and additives than in most everyday automotive oils. This might have been true when the large automotive engines of the 1970s were the norm, but today, most cars possess smaller engines, higher-revving four-cylinder and six-cylinder engines that have demanded improvements in automotive oil that bring them mostly inline with motorcycle oil when looking at their ingredients. These new automotive oils have been formulated to perform better in today’s smaller engines that are more like the engines in their two-wheeled cousins than ever. Another claim made by motorcycle specific oil manufactures is that since automobiles have begun using catalytic converters (not standard in most motorcycles), laws have limited the amounts of anti-wear agents, namely phosphorous, in automotive oil. It is true that motorcycle oils have a slightly higher concentration of phosphorous in their products, but the concentrations are still below government mandated levels, making them able for use in many new converter equipped models made by companies such as BMW and Yamaha.

The largest claim made by motorcycle oil companies involves viscosity retention. Again, they claim the larger amounts of shear-stable polymers better resist the excruciating punishment dealt by highly efficient, high-revving motorcycle engines. Many tests have been run pitting automotive oil against motorcycle oil concerning this very matter. When analyzing the data, one finds that amongst synthetic motor oils, motorcycle-specific and automotive-specific possessing petroleum derived additives to help prevent viscosity breakdown, the automotive specific blends as a whole outperform their motorcycle oil counterparts in the motorcycle engines for which they were designed! Perhaps the only conclusion to be drawn is that motorcycle oil is marketed towards a much smaller market of consumers, and thus is priced much higher. The truth is the higher cost is not reflected so much in higher quality but in the smaller quantity required by that smaller market.

About the Author: Chris Jent is the chief marketing officer of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Monday, December 10, 2007

Natural Gas Piped to the U.K.

Because of its relatively small land mass and few deposits, the United Kingdom, more than other European companies, imports an inordinate amount of its natural gas from neighboring countries so that its population can comfortably heat their homes and power industries. The “neighbor” the United Kingdom reached an amiable trade agreement with just happened to be, not just across the pond, but, in fact, under the sea. The U.K. will be getting a large share of its natural gas from Norway, many miles across the frigid Baltic Sea.

This engineering marvel was quite an undertaking by the Norwegian oil company, Norsk Hydro. Their hopes were to connect their massive discovery, the Ormen Lange undersea gas field, to oil processing and refining plants in Britain. The pipeline, at its completion, would hope to carry 20% of Britain’s necessary gas supplies each year, and provide a stable, reliable supply for at least the next 40 years. Construction proved to be an enormous endeavor. The need to work, in some areas, at over a mile beneath the sea’s chilly, windswept surface, called for cutting edge technology. One of the advanced techniques employed because of the ruggedness of the ocean floor involved two remote control robots. These robots performed the necessary excavation duties in order to prepare the ocean floor for the piping. Deep, dark, and chilly, of course, but let’s not forget that at the deepest part, 2953 feet beneath the surface, the water pressure, exceeding 1500 psi would crush a human skull. Of course divers in a mini-sub or bell could do the job, but why waste the energy when there are remote controlled robots about? The enormous lengths of pipes were of course assembled above the surface. This required two of the world’s largest pipe-laying ships, working in tandem, assembling pipes and continuously laying them on the ocean floor.

Norsk Hydro obviously felt the risk and exertion of mind power and bank accounts was well worth it because the pipeline opened in 2006, and has been pumping its crude between Norway and the U.K. since then. The length of the pipeline is 746 miles in its entirety, and was assembled in two great sections. The cost of the project was 3.3 billion dollars and received financial backing from several companies, including Centrica, Statoil, Norsk Hydro, Royal Dutch Shell, and Conoco Phillips. The total annual capacity of the Langeled Pipeline is around 70 billion cubic feet of natural gas, supplying a fifth of Britain’s need.

About the Author: Robert Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Russia and Algeria: Natural Gas Partners?

Natural gas price fluctuation in different areas is directly associated with the number of suppliers and distributors that are competing for shares of the market. Much in the same way that filling stations jockey for interchangeably lower prices one week and higher prices the next, large natural gas purveyors compete with each other for their consumers’ dollars. This competition is healthy and helps to create a healthier economy with more honest, realistic pricing because of different companies keeping each other in check. When companies band together and coordinate their prices, all competition is gone and the threat of skyrocketing prices is a very realistic one.

Russia controls over a quarter of the world’s gas reserves. No other single country possesses as many large fertile gas fields. Presently, however, Russia is experiencing a bit of a squeeze. The natural gas rich nation seems to have been overextending itself in exporting natural gas to other countries in the last decade, while needs at home have been exponentially increasing. The Russian gas giant, Gazprom has found itself deeply in debt and taking all sorts of options into consideration to heal its woes. Perhaps that explained the drastic measure taken in April 2006. All of Europe watched anxiously as Russia and Algeria, Europe’s two largest suppliers of natural gas, entered into talks in 2006 to form an alliance between the two nation’s natural gas companies. The two powerhouses signed an agreement, a “memorandum of understanding”, calling for a coordination of gas prices, which could have inevitably driven up prices in Europe and beyond. Perhaps the cooperation of Algeria could help Russia more immediately by helping raise prices of gas across Europe and help Gazprom get back into the black. With Gazprom supplying 25% of the European Union’s natural gas needs and Algeria providing another 10%, some countries within the EU, such as Italy, for instance, would experience unavoidable situations where dependence upon Russia and Algeria combined would reach a whopping 72% of market share. Corruption would be inevitable and smaller countries would experience cold winters or empty pockets. Could Russia and Algeria actually work together to create a natural gas cartel in Europe?

Apparently not. Europe collectively breathed a sigh of relief this week when the union was rendered null and void and the collective agreement between the two state-owned gas companies was dissolved. The threat is still a viable one, however. Once two countries enter talks that would collectively make themselves richer, the lure is strong to return to the table again until an agreement sticks.

About the Author: Robert Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Caspian Sea Oil and Gas Reserves

The Caspian Sea is the largest inland body of water in the entire world. It provides beautiful views to the countries that border it, and an essential port for trade between these countries. A large amount of the world’s caviar is harvested from the large sturgeon population that thrives in its murky depths. The largest reason for dissention and political dispute between the neighboring nations of the Caspian is its enormous potential for some of the largest natural resource yields in the entire world.

The Caspian Sea is bordered by five nations. Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Iran, and Turkmenistan, all have interest in the development of this huge body of water. The three northern countries, Russia, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan, signed a 2003 agreement dividing the northern 64% of the sea amongst themselves. Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan have steadily increased their oil exploration in the region since the 1990s and have been rewarded with a 70% increase in oil production.

The Caspian, in terms of oil output, is believed to hold up to 200 billion barrels of oil. This amount would be as much as a quarter of the entire Earth’s reserves and would be worth upwards of 10 trillion dollars in today’s market. Controversy erupted with the dissolution of the Soviet Union; many of the newly independent states did not recognize the ancient treaty signed by Russia and Persia that divided the lake in the middle. Preliminary solutions have been reached in the interim, dividing the region amongst the five nations, but of course, not every nation feels the new terms of division are satisfactory.

Conflicts are sure to arise between all five nations in the future because of the current situation. Currently, several oil fields are in dispute because they are shared between two or three of the countries. Iran and Azerbaijan both claim exploratory rights to the same fields; Iran has even opened fire on Azerbaijani ships venturing into this disputed area. Meanwhile, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan are grappling over a shared field because one country feels the other is pumping much more than its fair share of oil.

The natural gas deposits in this area can also be seen as over 25% of the entire Earth’s proven supplies. The profit from the extraction of natural gas is a point of contention between these countries as well. The United States and other countries that import resources from the region are watching closely as these discussions take place, because the outcome weighs heavily upon the future energy supplies of the world.

About the Author: Robert Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Bolivia: Natural Gas Wealthy

The South American nation of Bolivia is second only to Venezuela in natural gas reserves in South America; third to the United States in the Western Hemisphere. The way these large supplies are managed, distributed, and moderated changed on May 1, 2006, when Bolivian President Evo Morales revoked all allowance of private companies capitalizing on Bolivia’s natural gas rich land. Until that day, private companies such as the Brazilian company, Petrobas, and American company, Exxon Mobile, had been allowed to amass much wealth by exploiting Bolivia’s bountiful natural gas reserves. Morales reflected this idea, remarking, “the time has come, the awaited day, a historic day in which Bolivia retakes absolute control of our natural resources.” Going even further, saying, “the looting by foreign companies has ended.”

Morales statement had been expected but the further action taken, namely, deploying state troops to gas fields, ensuring the companies adhered to his edict, had not been expected. Bolivian reclamation of natural gas resources followed shortly behind similar action taken by their larger neighbor, Venezuela, which recently voided private companies’ drilling contracts at 32 oil fields, evicting them permanently if they would not agree to cede 60 percent stake in all future oil yields to the state owned oil company. Another South American neighbor, Ecuador, has also taken legal action to limit profits made by foreign companies while drilling on Ecuadorian land.

Morales and Bolivia cannot completely sever their ties to these foreign natural gas companies as much as they wish to. In some ways, Morales’ move can be seen as a sort of bluff, because, Bolivia does not possess the technology, geologists, or equipment to extract the natural gas from their sturdy reserves on their own. His assertion can be seen as merely a move that reflects the nationalist attitudes prevalent in many South American countries in the present day. These ideas evoke feelings of pride within citizens of each country, empowering them with the desire to take back all these special resources that previous leaders had so freely given away for capital gain. To truly be free from the fetters of these foreign natural gas companies, Morales will most certainly encourage the scientific population of his citizenry to become more knowledgeable themselves in the methodology of exploration and extraction of these reserves, in order to seize not only control of the reserves, but to control the means of production that would keep the wealth provided by these rich natural resources within the borders of Bolivia.

About the Author: Robert Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Oil Discovery in Wyoming

Oil exploration and discovery within Wyoming has roots in the early 1800s, when this wild, beautiful country was still referred to as the Wyoming Territory, and still seemed boundless, raw, expansive, and virginal. One of the early explorers of this great territory, Captain Benjamin Bonneville, made a note in 1832 of a great “Tar Spring” that was much revered by fur trappers and the Native American population for its medicinal, healing properties. Other than retrieving a small quantity for use as horse ointment and treatment for their own aches and pains, the area remained untouched for the next fifty years, when a wildcatter named Mike Murphy ventured to that still undeveloped locale, braving Indian attacks and wild country, to drill Wyoming’s very first oil well. The oil was discovered at a depth of 300 feet near the very site Captain Bonneville and his men had stumbled upon a half-century prior. Word of Murphy’s find soon spread, and quickly, like-minded entrepreneurs rushed to the territory, many leaving California and their golden dreams, choosing instead to stake their claims for the crude at promising sites.

The most profitable of the new claims was the Salt Creek field discovered in 1887 by Cyrus William “Cy” Iba. Iba and family left California at the end of the gold rush and staked nearly 30 claims, but after a legal grapple with a group of New York investors known as “The Central Association of Wyoming” was left with only a small 80 acre parcel of what had become known as the “Jackass Claim”. This 80 acre claim would prove to be one of the largest oil supplies within Wyoming’s borders for many years to come.

The expansion of the Union Pacific Railroad Line brought more people, more business, and more industry to the territory; many of them were attracted by hopes of capitalizing on Wyoming’s newly discovered natural resource. The 1890s brought more significant oil strikes and investors banded together to finance Wyoming’s first oil refinery in 1895. The invention of the automobile created a new demand for the oil, and production and refining began to boom in Wyoming.

The 1920s saw many more oil wells springing up and in fact, one fifth of all the oil produced and refined in the United States in that decade was extracted at the Salt Creek field. Oil production continues in Wyoming in the present. Though many of its once ripe fields are exhausted, Wyoming’s place in the nation’s history of oil exploration continues.

About the Author: Robert Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Israeli Oil and Gas

When thinking of oil and natural gas in the Middle East, the rich fields of Saudi Arabia or Iraq often come to mind, but few in the populace think of Israel as a burgeoning bastion of oil and natural gas reserves. Oil exploration has actually been going on in the Holy Land since the early 1900’s, with first drilling beginning in 1947, once licenses and permissions had been properly acquired. The first oil yield came in 1955 when an original oil well in the Heletz area was deepened, and initially 18 million barrels were extracted; this well is still in production currently. Seven years later, a report prepared by Lewis Weeks, then chief Geologist of Exxon, was released to the Israeli government detailing a preliminary estimate of 500 million to 2 billion barrels of oil lying beneath Israeli soil.

Following the 1967 war in Israel, oil exploration and drilling again became a focus within Israeli borders, primarily on offshore platforms in the Gulf of Suez and in the Sinai region on the mainland, resulting in the finding of significant reserves of oil and natural gas. The 1970’s and 80’s can be seen as a time of expanded on-shore operations, concentrating on the Coastal Plain resulting in live oil recoveries of smaller amounts of show, but no commercial discoveries.

From 1986-1988, the Israeli government put a halt to all drilling and exploration, requesting that a study of exploration data from the last forty years be conducted. The company assigned to this project, Oil Exploration Investment, Ltd., performed a basin analysis of the whole of Israeli lands, outlining all previous exploratory endeavors, yields, etc. The hope of the Israeli government was to locate trends or patterns that would help positively identify true hopes for larger, future discoveries underneath the nation’s soil or bodies of water. Following this survey, Israel opened various areas up to privatized oil and natural gas exploration. By the end of the 1990’s, several large international oil and natural gas companies including British Gas, Enserch, Reading & Bates, and Noble energy set up their operations in several areas, primarily conducting offshore drilling.

The current decade has seen a change of focus from oil to natural gas discovery in Israel. Most of these discoveries have taken place at offshore platforms, and yields of upwards of 3.5 trillion cubic feet of natural gas have been projected. These discoveries could prove quite advantageous for Israel and for its primary ally, the United States.

About the Author: Bob Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Siberian Pipeline

As larger and larger oil fields have been discovered in the cold but beautiful Siberian region of Russia, China has watched, anxiously hoping to be first in line. Being the largest neighbor possessing an enormous population with gargantuan petroleum needs, China has tried its best to show Russian leaders that is in their best interests to export nearly all of their excess petroleum to the southeast via a proposed petroleum pipeline that would be constructed solely for distribution from these generous oil fields to China’s oil-needy populace.

Construction of this pipeline has met a few snags along the way however. Scientists and environmentalists alike have balked at the proposed route of the petroleum carrying line because of its proximity to protected and sensitive areas. The initial, shortest and most direct route proposed by the Transneft Corporation would begin in the Siberian city of Taysher in the Irkutsk region of Siberia, running through Skovorodino in the Amur region, and ending at the port of Perevoznaya in the Promorye region on the Pacific coast. This route would take the pipeline within 800 meters of the shores of the world’s largest and deepest freshwater lakes, Lake Baikal. Lake Baikal is the world’s oldest lake as well and contains nearly 20% of the world’s unfrozen freshwater reserve. In 1996, it was pronounced a site of World Heritage by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), beseeching Russian leaders to provide for its preservation and protection from development and urbanization. Scientists want it protected as it is an exquisite representation of freshwater habitat, possessing an ecosystem that is of exceptional value in the area of evolutionary science.

Construction of the first stage of the pipeline began in June of 2006 and should be complete by early 2008. The first stage will not bring the pipeline into the Lake Baikal region yet, and has provided time for new answers and resolutions to the questions involving that area. Environmentalists prescribed a solution that Transneft head Semyon Vaynshtok said was out of the question. Vaynshtok proclaimed the idea of taking the pipeline 1000 kms to the north ludicrous, saying that it would make the pipeline unprofitable with that roundabout route. Scientists and environmentalist alike agree that this circumventing of that region is worth the extra time and money, especially considering the continuously occurring seismic activity within the Lake Baikal region that would surely threaten the pipeline’s integrity, making leaks and ruptures a constant concern. In hopes to appease everyone, Russian President Putin proposed a route shift to the north. Transneft opposed that plan, but split the difference, allowing for an extension to take the pipeline 400 kms north. Lake Baikal’s ancient ecosystem will now be safe, and China is assured to get all the petroleum it requires.

About the Author: Robert Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Friday, December 7, 2007

Nigerian Oil

Nigeria’s coastal delta consists of mile upon mile of bogs and swamps. Underneath this sludge and soil are some of the richest deposits of petroleum ever discovered. Each week brings new discoveries and new riches to a primordial land filled with poverty and anarchy. Within these areas of undiscovered riches simple fisher people and villagers cohabitate with easily corruptible youth militia and violent pirates, and each have their opinion and stake in the exploration and exploitation of this wild country. The United States and other desperately energy-hungry nations are clamoring for the rights to dig here, for the projected yield grows in millions of barrels of oil as more and more fields are discovered.

Thirty percent of the world’s newly discovered oil reserves in the past five years are found on Africa’s west coast, and for the United States, it couldn’t have come at a better time. The United States imports most of its daily-used oil from Canada and Mexico. Canada’s Prudhoe Bay and other fields export nearly 1.6 million barrels of oil each day to the U.S. via the Trans-Alaskan Pipeline. Another 1.6 million daily barrels arrive from the south, from the oil rich deposits in the Gulf of Mexico. As these two oil supplies are slowly exhausted, the new Nigerian supplies gain importance. Nigeria has steadily risen in importance for United States oil consumption holding at nearly 1.1 million barrels imported per day. This 1.1 million barrels accounts for 10 percent of the United States’ oil imports, and the present administration projects this will rise to nearly 25 percent of American oil consumption by the end of the decade.

What does this mean for the poverty stricken population of southeastern Nigeria where most of the bogs and oil lies? For some villagers and local fisherman uneager to see colonization, exploration, and industrialization, the oil is seen as an evil poison, especially when accidental spills wreak havoc upon the ecosystem. Two spills into tributaries of the Kolo River changed life forever for a small village of 1000 people whose inhabitants fish to survive. The oil spill killed all of the fish and now the population must look further for subsistence in terms of food and occupation. Political motivation also fuels infighting over the rich oil fields. Youth militia in support of one group or another have taken over extraction stations, threatening to destroy them unless their demands were met; one such demand was for an expedient release of the particular faction’s political prisoners held by the Nigerian government.

The United States and other nations are keeping close watch over the politics of the Niger Delta, selfishly hoping to exploit in whatever means possible to help provide the oil their nations thrive upon. Ecosystems and ancient cultures inherent to these areas must stay strong in order to survive.

About the Author: Robert Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Saturday, December 1, 2007

The Military: United States’ Oil Consuming Lion

Perhaps all Americans are aware that the United States is in no way threatened of losing it’s place as the top oil consuming nation in the world. What some may not be aware of is the immense amount of oil the United States military itself uses each and every year. In fact, if the U.S. military were a country, it would be the 38th largest consumer of petroleum in the world, consuming around 160 million barrels of oil each year. This gargantuan usage amounts to over $10 billion of oil by today’s price levels.

The United States government consumes 2% of the entire amount of oil used in the nation each year; 97% of that usage swallowed by the Department of Defense. The Department of Defense used an average of 440,000 barrels of oil each and every day in 2004. That amount of oil is greater than the daily output of one of the nation’s most generously producing oil fields, Prudhoe Bay in Alaska.

All of the military usage is not for tanks, ships, aircraft, and the like, but most of it is. Only 25% of the military oil usage is for heating and powering their many large government buildings. The other 75% of military oil usage is for what is referred to as “mobility” type fuel. This includes all the fuel the military uses for every type of moving machinery, from attack vehicles to essential power generators.

Truth be told, as of late, the U.S. military has taken various productive steps in efforts to curb its seemingly unquenchable appetite for petroleum. The Department of Defense has spent many hours researching and implementing renewable energy sources in many of their facilities across the nation and world. They have recently become one of the largest single generators and consumers of renewable power in the entire nation. For example, at the U.S. Naval installation near Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, naval engineers have successfully installed and brought into operation a pair of wind powered turbines that are able to meet a quarter of the base’s power needs during the windy months of the year. They are even recycling their used cooking oil at the base and mixing it with diesel fuel, producing a biodiesel blend that fuels many of the base’s service vehicles. With these efforts and more, the U.S. military hopes to decrease its usage and also its need for foreign oil. Private business and transportation companies could profit by adopting new renewable strategies as well.

About the Author: Robert Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Friday, November 30, 2007

Ludvig Nobel: Oil Pioneer

In the late 1800’s, oil exploration and discovery was still in its infancy. Immanuel Nobel owned a firearm factory in St. Petersburg, Russia and his second oldest son, Ludvig, was the manager. He and his brother Robert had received a large order from the tsar at the time, and Robert rushed to southern Russia to find the wood necessary to assemble the stocks for the upcoming order. While rummaging through the countryside looking for choice timber, Robert came upon something that would prove to be much, much more valuable: a naturally occurring oil seepage near the largest port in Azerbaijan, Baku.

Ludvig and his brother Robert wasted no time, and set up their own oil company, the Branobel (Nobel Brothers) Oil Company in 1876. There was not much in the way of oil refining technology at that time, so Ludvig set his great mind to the task of research and development. Ludvig developed his own methods of refining and set up refineries and pipelines in southern Russia. Ludvig employed dozens of gifted scientists who, under his tutelage, and in his labs, found new ways of treating the oil, new uses for oil, new petroleum based products, and ultimately how to market them for profit to consumers. At one point in the late 1800’s, Baku had become the center of the burgeoning oil business, producing 50% of the world’s oil.

Ludvig invented proper pipeline systems to bring his oil from the source to the refinery, and to the distribution centers he set up to deliver the product for use in Russia. Soon, however, Ludvig realized the real profit lie in his ability to export the oil in an efficient and safe manner. This is when he arrived at the idea of a ship; a large vessel that could carry his product across the Caspian Sea to ports desiring the petroleum for fuel and all its new uses. Ludvig invented what has grown in today’s supertankers. He and his brother Robert built the very first tanker ship, and after its success, assembled an entire fleet of such ships to carry their exported petroleum not only across the Caspian, but in fact, safely transverse the Atlantic as well.

Ludvig was also a humanitarian at heart. He became one of the first entrepreneurs to offer his employees a share of the profits; a very progressive idea at that time. His company not only made himself and his family immensely wealthy, the contributions made by his company to the well being of the port and the surrounding area included parks, schools, and other municipal improvements which have lasted long after his death. His indelible advancements still permeate southern Russia as oil exploration and export continues to thrive in the region today.

About the Author: Robert Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Alaska Pipeline Importance

The oil fields of Alaska remain a mostly untapped resource that the United States looks to for fuel in the future. The U.S. has been depending on Alaska for 17% of its domestic crude for about 3 decades now, due to its large supplies that have been found thus far and one of the largest pipelines of its kind in the world.

Oil was discovered at Prudhoe Bay in Northern Alaska in 1968, and motivated an assemblage of different oil companies to pool their financial resources and find a way to get the precious petroleum to port and to consumers. The five oil companies decided the most efficient way to move the oil would be an enormous pipeline stretching from the bay to the port of Valdez, a nearly 800 mile route which would stop at the northernmost ice-free port in the United States. These companies decided they would share profits and rights to the pipeline and hired the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company to keep the pipeline clean and running after its construction. The pipeline construction itself cost over 8 billion dollars and was the largest privately financed construction project ever.

The companies involved in the project and their shares in the pipeline, determined by the amount of money invested, are British Petroleum (46.93%), ConocoPhillips (28.29%), ExxonMobil (20.34%), Unocal (1.36%), and Koch (3.08%). These companies make sure that their private contracting company, the Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, keep things running smoothly, helping to protect their interests in Alaska and helping serve their customers around the U.S. Construction began in 1975 and was completed in 1977. The pipeline has a diameter of 48 inches and spans 800 miles across three mountain ranges and over nearly 800 Alaskan rivers and streams. In many sections, the pipeline needed to be elevated in order to protect the permafrost, permanently frozen soil, in danger of melting from the heat emanating from the crude carrying pipe.

The oil supplies at Prudhoe Bay have provided nearly 500 billion gallons of oil since the pipeline’s construction in 1977. Nearly 40 billion gallons of oil coarse through its steely-veined infrastructure every single day! The Trans Alaska Pipeline System is not only important to United States oil consumers and companies; perhaps its largest contribution is to the state government and inhabitants of Alaska itself. The pipeline provides nearly 80% of the funding for Alaska’s state government as well as giving Alaskan natives royalties from the oil production to help offset the use of their land for pipeline construction. As more oil is discovered in Alaska, more pipelines will surely become necessary for transport, further benefiting Alaskans and the United States population alike.

About the Author: Robert Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Differences Between Types of Offshore Oil Platforms

The continuous need for oil in all parts of the world has motivated the development of new ways to discover and obtain it. Because large supplies of oil are often found offshore, in oceans and lakes where fault lines and specific rock formations occur, oil companies and their engineers have pioneered new ways of drilling by developing many different types of offshore oil rigs.

The first oil platform in the world was built in 1947. The Oil Rocks platform was built 25 miles off the coast of Azerbaijan in the Caspian Sea and is a functional city with a population of 5000 people. There are over 100 miles of paved streets on this, the world’s largest oil platform. There are shops, restaurants, even a library. With all workers living and working together, this engineering marvel has been in existence for 60 years.

There are basically three types of offshore platforms that have developed over the years. Concrete platform types have concrete legs made on land and towed out to see by tugboats and once in place, extend all the way to the sea floor; the platform is then simply mounted atop them. Jack up platform types have a concrete foundation on the ocean floor but sit atop metal legs that can often telescope and retract as the surface of the sea rises and falls, depending on the season and weather patterns. The last type of oil platform actually floats and is held in place by enormous sea anchors that rest on the ocean floor. These floating platforms are the largest movable structures on Earth. The Petronius platform, an oil and gas platform in the Gulf of Mexico, depending on criteria could be considered the world’s tallest structure, standing 2000 feet above the floor of the ocean. It is partially a floating structure, so the title still rests safely with more typical earthbound structures such as the Petronus Towers in Malaysia.

The drilling for oil on these rigs works much the same as their land based cousins. The largest difference between the two is the offshore rig must find a place to store the oil when it is released. The Hibernia platform, an oil and gas platform off the coast of Newfoundland, stores its precious crude in large storage tanks that fill the empty space underneath the floating oil production island. These tanks are housed beneath along with ballast to help the 1.2 million ton island stay aright.

As oil exploration continues in this century, new engineering feats will surely be performed so that all nations’ thirst for oil can be continuously quenched.

About the Author: Robert Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Oil and the Supertanker

From the beginning of oil exploration and discovery, the need to transport oil to consumers existed. The first successful oil tanker to be built and successfully carry crude was the Zoroaster, which in 1878 shuttled petroleum across the Caspian Sea for what was then the Russian Empire. The idea for this tanker was spawned in the mind of Ludwig Nobel, brother of Alfred Nobel, noted Swedish chemist for whom the esteemed Nobel Prize was named. The free surface effect of liquids in ships had proven the end of all previous ships. The intense movement of waves in the sea would make the liquid shift from one side to the other within the ships, offsetting the ballast and forcing ships to tip and often sink. Nobel solved these problems, and the impressive tanker was built. The Nobel brothers had four years prior developed quite an interest in oil exploration and distribution, forming the Nobel Brothers Oil Extracting Partnership. The brothers built upon the success of this first ship by designing and building a whole fleet of ships to transport the large amounts of oil they were extracting in the Caspian Basin of the Russian Empire.

The next century saw more advancement in shipbuilding for oil transport. These ships became larger and larger over the next few decades, building upon the Nobel brothers’ initial advances. The largest ships were referred to informally as supertankers. These ships carry over 250,000 tons of weight, capable of transporting over two million barrels of oil. The largest supertanker ever built was the Jahre Viking, weighing 564,763 tons. Initially, most tankers were single-hulled. In single-hulled tankers, the hull also acts as the wall of the oil tanks, making any collision a threat of leakage or spilling. Most new tankers are double hulled, possessing a space between the walls of the oil storage tanks and the outer wall of the ships, making outer hull damage not such a threat for inner oil leakage. Proponents of double hull ships use the property which makes oil and water repel each other, hydrostatic balance, as part of their argument, insisting that this pressure exists at such a high level within double hulled tankers, and allows them a better chance at preventing oil spillage should a collision occur. Research has shown that through the development of these double hulled ships, oil has reached its destination in a much safer manner, with collisions resulting in a third less spills compared to single hulled ships. Continued development of tankers is necessary to insure the safe transport of this valuable resource across waters to consumers.

About the Author: Robert Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Beauty of Re-refined Motor Oil

As the earth’s precious nonrenewable energy supplies reduce in size each year, it is important to look to new ways of conserving and preserving the known supplies today, so they may last as long as possible. One economically and environmentally conscious action all consumers can take is the purchase of re-refined motor oil for their personal vehicles, and to pressure localities to use re-refined petroleum products in their mass transit systems and commercial fleets.

Re-refined motor oil is motor oil that has been used by consumers, deposited at many filling stations and lube centers, and then recycled for reuse by the public. It has been cleansed of all the containments acquired by miles of use in a process called vacuum distillation. Hydro-treatment removes any additional unwanted chemicals, much like the way refineries remove base oil from naturally occurring crude. New additives are then added to make sure the re-refined oil adheres to all industry performance levels. Oil does not ever lose its intrinsic value as a lubricator and cooling agent; through many laboratory tests, chemists have arrived at the conclusion that re-refined oil performs and lasts just as long as virgin motor oil.

Many consumers worry that re-refined motor oil loses some of its lubricating or cold starting properties as compared to virgin motor oil. Major automakers such as Ford, GM, Daimer-Chrysler, and Mercedes Benz have conducted their own testing and stated that the use of re-refined motor oil is not only a viable option, but have also gone on record stating that the use of the product in no way violates or voids their manufacturer warranties on their engines. In fact, every new Mercedes Benz vehicle is pre-filled with re-refined motor oil straight from the assembly line!

North American transportation companies have used re-refined motor oil in their fleets for many years. The United States Post Office, for example has been using re-refined motor oil in all its 73,000 vehicles for over a decade. The City of Chicago has purchased and used re-refined oil in all its emergency vehicles (fire and police) since 1992. Not only has Snohomish County, Washington, used re-refined oil in its 1242 county vehicles, but the county has also contracted nearly 3000 independent oil analysis, concluding that the use of re-refined oil has in no way compromised vehicle performance versus virgin motor oil.

Using re-refined oil has the important duality of providing less need for foreign oil reserves to run the nation’s millions of vehicles while also eliminating waste material and conserving new supplies for later use. Re-refined oil is, on average the same cost, or less than virgin motor oil. Same cost, eco-friendly, and high performance - all attributes that make re-refined motor oil a smart alternative.

About the Author: Robert Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit

Monday, November 26, 2007

Residential Heating Oil Price Fluctuation Explained

Though the bulk of the residential heating market has switched to natural gas in most regions of the United States, approximately 8.1 million of the 107 million homes continue to use heating oil as their main source to heat their homes. Of this 8.1 million, nearly 82% of these homes are located in the Northeast region of the United States, and these homeowners are extremely interested in the foreign and domestic oil market because it can really affect their wallets and pocketbooks in the frigid months of late October through March.

Many variables influence the rise and fall of the price of heating oil. One of the largest of these is demand. During the winter months, more oil is needed by consumers, and the price increases. Many homeowners try to beat the system by filing their storage tanks at the lower prices of summer, but few own tanks large enough to get them through the winter months. Most homeowners must have their tanks filled and refilled up to five times during the course of one New England winter, so higher prices can make for a lean holiday season. A typical homeowner in the Northeastern United State might use 650-1000 gallons of heating oil during the winter months. Another contributing factor in the price of heating oil is, of course, the price of crude oil, also influenced by supply and demand. In some areas, several suppliers compete for their share of the residential heating oil market. This competition can often result in higher prices as well. A final factor that affects the price of heating oil is operating costs. In more remote areas, the transporting of the fuel to inhabitants can be much more costly, resulting in higher prices for those consumers. These operating costs are affected by employee wages, equipment costs, lease or rent for the dealer, etc. All of these factors are present when the monthly bill reaches the homeowner.

There exist many ways to lower heating bills in the depths of winter. The easiest can be achieved by the homeowner him or herself, simply by winterizing the home. Proper insulation within the walls of the house combined with energy efficient windows and adequate caulking and weather stripping around them can result in a much more cozy abode that requires less heat to be comfortable for its inhabitants. Budget plans also exist with most dealers to help spread the cost of heating during the winter months across the entire year of bills. Though consumers cannot do anything to influence the price of oil directly, by taking proper precautions at home to conserve their energy, they can be less affected by inevitable price changes.

About the Author: Robert Jent is the president of Triple Diamond Energy Corp. Triple Diamond Energy specializes in acquiring the highest quality prime oil and gas properties. For more information, visit